Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nothing Shall Separate Us. . .

Romans 8:38 & 39 Says ~For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. ...

This scripture burned into my mind today and I started to think back on the last year and what God has done and what He continues to do. I think of the way the devil has tried to not only separate us from the love of God but also from each other. I think back to conversations spoken and where someone either spoke or implied things to try to make me doubt myself, my husband, my faith and my God. I am so thankful that the love of God which is in Christ would not allow that to happen. God sees our hearts and knows when to put that hedge of protection around us and knows when it is something we can handle ourselves. He always steps in when necessary; just not always as quickly or in the manner we would prefer.

I always find it interesting when some people speak of 'once saved, always saved' to imply that once we are serving Jesus we can never be in danger with our souls. I find it funny that those same people will say of someone who was saved and then turned from the Lord, if they ever knew the Lord they would not have turned away. I find this all to be so untrue. Sometimes we get tired or bitter or just plain stupid for a while and turn from Jesus. As this scripture says, nothing can separate us from the love of God but it never said we couldn't separate ourselves.

The reason God created us was for us to have a choice; if that choice is to not serve Him, then His choice is to not let us in Heaven. The Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust and sometimes we that believe think that is unfair. We have to keep ourselves in check and make sure we dont' separate ourselves from God because no matter how dark the night, or how hurtful the situation, God has a plan and He has a reason for what we are going through.

I love what the message says for Romans 8:38&39 ~ None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing - nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable-absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

Let's determine in our hearts that nothing separate us. . If you have a situation that was rough but you came out the other side and saw that God knew what was best, please feel free to share it. What you have to say may really touch someone's heart.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Feels Like Home

Man our weekend away was wonderful. We packed so much into those 2.5 days we felt we had been gone for a week. We laughed, cried, got lost (multiple times), enjoyed a God-Centered wedding, met new friends, shopped for Drums, made out good at the Goodwill, decorated wedding cakes and cupcakes, met with a pastor friend for some guidance on our future, went to the Eklipse yard sale (was accosted by Devon and King and sold a fountain that does not work), pulled over by the police (for not wearing seat belts) and just all around enjoyed ourselves. Believe it or not, I did not take one picture.

Upon our Saturday evening homecoming we were greeted by our four kiddos, human and canine with great happiness. Except for our smallest human, who was sound asleep.

Sunday we arrived at Point of Mercy about 5 minutes late because we were pulled over before we left Hoptown for, guess what, not having out seat belts on. . .we were again overwhelmed by the welcoming spirit of the congregation, the annointed singing and a really timely and God-sent message by Bro Livingston. With all the confusion of the past six months it was just nice to feel like we were home. Walking in Point of Mercy on Sunday morning was much like coming home on Saturday night, less the canines.

We continue to seek God's face to make sure we are landing in the right place but it already says so much when it already feels like home. For all of you who have been following our journey and have lifted us up, thank you. I know it wont' be long until our footing is sure again because God has shown us that He is taking care of our situations, spiritually, physically and financially.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Light in Your Eyes

Do you ever look into your husbands eyes and see him like it is the very first time you knew? That you knew he was your soul mate? That he was your best friend forever and ever?

Today we left home after work on a mini-vacay. . Just down the road in Nashville our friends are getting married on Saturday. We are doing their wedding cakes as a gift so the kids and puppies are squared away at home and we have left for some Brad & Shelly time. Our time is going to be filled with friends and laughter and wedding plans but we are also carving out Brad & Shelly time.

Finding love is just part of the marriage equation. Keeping love is another thing all together. There is nothing that makes me happier than to look at my husband and to see that light in his eyes, to hear him say I Love You without saying a word. It is those moments when I know I am the most blessed woman in this world. To be loved wholey and completely just because I am me overwhelms me.

This makes me think about the fact that God loves me more than Brad ever could; God loves me with the love of a father, a husband, a friend, a confidant and so many other ways. I can't wait to get to heaven and look at his face, to see the light in his eyes when he sees me and that I made it home safe. I pray that daily I grow more like Him so that others can see it and they can make a decision to follow Jesus too so that one day they too can see the light in his eyes.